Welcome to OB Cases
In this course, we will cover some of the common OB cases that you will face daily. Dr. Vardo, a board certified OBGYN physician, will teach you this through real life case scenarios that will present to your service on daily basis. You will learn how the patients present, how you are able to diagnose them, and how to treat according to the latest guidelines. By the end of this section, you should be ready to tackle these cases in your practice.
Videos: 6 Total Duration- 2 hours
CME: 2
Topics discussed in this course:
Hypertension in pregnancy
Hypertensive Urgency/Emergency diagnosis and treatment
Oral Meds used in hypertension in pregnancy
Labs obtained in hypertension
Chronic Hypertension
Gestational hypertension
HELLP syndrome
Fatty liver of pregnancy
Hypertension with superimposed Pre-eclampsia
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Blood products used
Surgical management
Shoulder Dystocia
Mcroberts Maneuver
Woods Corkscrew Maneuvers
Gaskin Position
Cardinal movements of labor
Cord prolapse