Welcome to The Prenatal History
In this course, we will cover The Prenatal History and its implications for the care of the neonate. Taking the appropriate prenatal history is crucial in Neonatology and how it effects your patient. Dr. Bengtsson, a board certified Neonatologist, will provide you with all the common cases that will present to your service under this section. By the end of this course, you should be comfortable tackling most of the common scenarios that arise under the prenatal history and its complications.
Videos: 4 . Total Duration 1.49 hours (one hour and 49 minutes)
CME: 2
Topics Discussed in this course:
Mother with positive infections
Positive hepatitis
Positive syphilis
Positive HIV
Positive Chlamydia
Positive Gonorrhea
Positive Hepatitis C
Positive TB
Positive Group B Strep
Rubella Non-Immune
Unknown Rhogam
Can mother breast feed in different scenarios
Congenital TB
TORCH infections
Necrotizing Cellulitis
Jaundice and sepsis
Bacterial meningitis
Ophthalmia Neonatorum
ABO Incompatibility
RH incompatibility
Hemorrhagic disease of the new born
Marijuana and breastfeeding
SSRI in pregnancy
Opiates in pregnancy
Maternal Autoimmune disease
Parents right to refuse vs. Imminent risk